Recycling and Compost Bins
Students have pushed for recycling and composting bins at all ten school sites.

8 Electric Buses
SDUHSD has received several federal and state grants to support electrifying over 15% of the bus fleet in the district.
Food Diversion
Any extra lunch line food is donated to the San Diego Food Bank to support the unhoused population of San Diego and reduce food waste.
Heat Pumps
Large heat pumps across schools in the district are being replaced with fully electric heat pumps under a CalSHAPE grant.
High school students have educated 450+ middle school students on composting and recycling through homeroom assemblies.
Road To Zero Waste
Beginning in the 2025-2026 school year at Earl Warren Middle School, the Road to Zero Waste program will empower students to become environmental stewards to actively divert waste from landfills through both in the classroom and outside the classroom education, peer-to-peer outreach, and community funding towards compostable materials.
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Compostable Materials
Materials in the lunch lines will be fully compostable per EDCO guidelines with single-use plastics reduced.
Diversion Integrated Curriculum
Hands-on labs where students can observe and analyze the composition of the contents in their own waste receptacles in science and math classes.
Peer-to-Peer Outreach
The EWMS Green Team will be a group of students monitoring recycling, composting, and landfill receptacle stations at lunch and instructing their peers on how to sort their waste.
Student-Led Assemblies
Once a semester, student representatives from Go Greenish will visit EWMS to discuss recycling and composting on campus. In the Fall, the presentation will be focused on education. In the Spring, the presentation will reflect on the impacts of Road to Zero Waste. Both will include engaging activities, games, and incentives.
Regional Advocacy
Road to Zero Waste will work with the North County Consortium on Educational Purchases (NCECP) to push for more compostable materials provided throughout the district.